Showing posts with label 2015. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2015. Show all posts

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Game Plan 2015

TONIGHT'S training call ...
 setting your GAME PLAN for 2015!! 
Remember you can dial in and listen to the recording:
Dial: (605) 562-3099
Access code: 738680
Reference #: 91

Game Plan~2015
(a few notes as you listen to the call!)

Mindset is everything
Stay positive 
Don’t Quit
Surround yourself with positive cheerleaders and motivators
Don’t reinvent the wheel
Keep it simple
Take your products faithfully
Personal growth and development is essential! Always be open to learning something new!
Don’t quit on a bad day.
Build belief DAILY!! (Products, Company, Network marketing, self)
Expand Network~ make new friends and learn how to talk to people (be a listener and engage them)
Get organized
Schedule your hours of operation and have a business plan
Set goals. You have to know where you are and where you are going.
Do income producing activities first.
GET TO EVENTS! Meetings and trainings are not optional if you want to be successful.
Major events speed up any training you could do by 4-6 months.
Super Saturday and Convention should be mandatory for you teams. Start promotion NOW. Your success in 2015 will be reflected in the number of team members you have at events this year.
Use a system…you should have predictable steps that offer predictable results. (Make a list, Contact, Show the Plan, Follow up, Get them started, repeat)
Use the tools! Catalogs, DVD’s, corporate sites for fb, youtube, pinterest, instagram. Brochures, clothes, gear. Diamond Docs, etc. Third party validation offers credibility.
Write you story. Share your story.
Have you elevator speech and answer the question “So, what do you do?”
Use three way calls with your upline to grow your team!!! This help with duplication!
Ready at least 10 min every single day.
Use the 5-3-1 system for sharing, following up, and supporting your team
Make to do lists.
Follow up and use a system to keep up with your contacts!
The most important part of a game plan…is having one!