Friday, November 28, 2014

Black Friday SALE

THIS IS HUGE!!!! Whoop Whoop!

Don't forget to take the opportunity to reach out to people on your contact list! Special promotions are a great opportunity to check in with those people who have said no thank you in the past, have said not now for any reason, or just those people that you haven't talked to and need to!!!
A quick text or email checking in and updating them with this special is an awesome opportunity!
Happy shopping and happy sharing!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Average Income Disclosure Statement

Everyone is always wondering what the potential is for rank advancements.   Well here you go!!!
This is an awesome tool to share with prospects who are looking for information regarding potential earnings with Plexus!

  •   Average Per Capita Income in the USA (12 Months) = $28,051 (
  •   Over 90,000 Plexus Ambassadors earn enough income through their Plexus business to effectively get their Plexus products for free
  •   The average length of time for Diamond Ambassadors to achieve their rank has been 20 months though it has been achieved in less than 6 months.
  •   The average length of time for Ambassadors to reach the rank of Sapphire is less than 15 months.
  •   The average length of time for Ambassadors to reach the rank of Emerald is also less than 15 months.

Plexus Ambassadors can earn income based on commissions from products sold either directly or through their replicated website, as well as earning income based on their promotion of the products, brand, and business opportunity.
*The earnings of the Ambassadors in the above chart are not necessarily representative of the income, if any, that an Ambassador can or will earn through the Plexus Compensation Plan. The success of an Ambassador depends on his or her skill set, work effort, and desire to succeed. For more information on the Plexus Compensation Plan, please visit **Percentage of average earners per year 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Welcome to the TEAM

WELCOME! CONGRATULATIONS!! You have just joined an amazing team with Plexus Worldwide!! I am currently a Diamond Ambassador with the company and glad you have found our page! Welcome and I am so happy that today is the beginning of an awesome journey for you!!
I am here for you and available as a resource to help you to be successful in whatever your goals are with Plexus. I am going to list some things to help you start and look forward to working together as we move forwardtogether!!
First, login to your back office and get familiar with the resources and frequently asked questions. Go to and click ambassador login at the top right. Use your ambassador ID# and password that you chose when you joined. Click the tab that says Resources to get started! There is a ton of information back there to get you started with learning our company and products.
Next is one of my biggest and favorite things to encourage and will greatly contribute to your success. You need to identify your WHY!!! Why did you make the decision to join? Do you need some extra money? Maybe you want to be able to quit your “real” job and stay home with your kids (like I did!). Or maybe you just want to order all our amazing natural products at wholesale. All of those are great reasons. But you need to find YOURS. It will drive you. It will be the reason you set goals and move forward. Your why is your passion to make things happen!
Take some time to think about what it is that you would really like to achieve in the coming year. GOALS are essential! This could be a health goal, a personal goal, and specifically, a goal with Plexus. You may want to make it a financial goal to earn X amount of dollars working with Plexus part time. Or maybe you are dreaming big and have a rank advancement plan to get to Ruby, Emerald, or higher!! Take time to write down your goals. Writing down your goals and coming up with a plan to achieve them is a powerful thing! It will give you motivation and help you maintain your momentum. 

Make sure when you receive your welcome pack that you work through the Success Guide Notebook.
I am so excited for you and your future!! I am here for you and wanted to give you a few ways you can get in touch with me! My email is and you can send me questions you may have.  Please know that I am a busy mom of 3 boys including a toddler so if I don’t answer immediately, I will get back to you as soon as I can!
Also please join us every Wednesday for our opportunity call that you can listen to on demand. These are great to share with guests as well to learn and grow your team! You will hear about our products, live testimonies, and a business tip! The call is posted on our corporate Plexus Slim Business page on facebook as well as our Plexus Worldwide Youtube channel!
I can’t wait to hear about your amazing success and look forward to working with you on your Plexus journey!
Blessings and hugs,
Sara Marble, RN
Diamond Ambassador

Here are some links to get you started on your journey!

You can also check out our Plexus Worldwide Channel HERE

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Tips on Being Productive- INC. Magazine Article

If I had a nick name, it would probably be Master Procrastinator. This article came across my google+ account from INC. and I just LOVE it! The 5 minute rule really does work and I need to remind myself to implement it more often!! Take a look at this article 10 Productivity Tricks Successful People Use BY 

"Procrastination frankly just feels good ... right up to the minute when we recall that we really must get things done. That's when it gets ugly. All of us hop into ninja mode and then scramble around until everything gets accomplished--of course, half-heartedly.
Then we vow to ourselves that we'll never procrastinate again. But, deep inside, all of us know it'll happen repeatedly. It is a vicious pattern, and it won't stop unless we break it ... by becoming productive. Here are 10 productivity tricks successful people use.

1. Wake up earlier.

If you rise one hour earlier than usual each day, you will be shocked at how much you will get accomplished in a week. Additionally, rising at the same time each day stabilizes your circadian rhythm. Having a circadian rhythm that is steady allows you to become more productive during the daytime because you will be energetic and alert.

2. Create a list.

Few things are more satisfying than crossing an activity off the to-do list. It is tangible evidence that you truly got something accomplished, and it may motivate you to tackle your whole list in a day.

3. Take baby steps.

Did you ever put a task off only to find out, when you finally got around to it, that it took just 10 minutes to do? A task, oftentimes, seems more daunting than it really is.
Rather than telling yourself that you must do five loads of laundry before tomorrow, concentrate on just separating your laundry--a chore which is quicker and easier. As you get all of the laundry separated, say, 'Now it is time to toss the whites inside the washer.'
When the whites are finished, concentrate on putting them into the dryer and the towels into the washer. Concentrate on every step, and soon enough, all five loads will be washed, tumble dried, folded, and put away.

4. Consume your broccoli first.

If you eat your broccoli before consuming anything else on your plate, you are getting past the most dreaded portion of dinner so you finally can relax and appreciate everything else.
Apply this philosophy to other aspects of your life as well. If you do the most difficult task first thing in the morning, you'll alleviate yourself of stress and better appreciate the remainder of your day.

5. Beat the clock.

You can play a game: Try to beat the clock! Set a timer for 50 minutes and accomplish a task with complete concentration. As that time is up, take a 10-minute break. Start working again for 50 minutes, then take a 10-minute break. Repeat this cycle until everything is completed.

6. Voice commitments. 

A vow to yourself is a lot easier to break than one you have given to somebody else. You are more likely to get something accomplished if another individual holds you accountable. Locate an entrepreneurial buddy to monitor your progress as you start a business.

7. Remove all temptations.

Checking your Facebook alerts and reading a text might seem like a harmless action that takes no more than five seconds, but doing this really snaps you out of your zone of concentration, which you'll a while to get back into.

8. Enforce the five-minute rule.

If an activity takes five minutes or less to finish, do it immediately. This rule is particularly great for responding to emails or washing the dishes. When faced with an activity, instantly ask yourself if it will take five minutes or less to accomplish. If so, do it!

9. Trap yourself.

If all else fails, it is time to leave yourself without any option. This means taking drastic measures to make yourself finish a task. For instance, if you have to change your car's oil, have somebody lock you out of your home until your car's oil pan is put away and clean.

10. Accept that you're just human like everyone else.

Know that nobody is perfect and you will not be rejected for not flawlessly performing a task. As faced with a challenging activity, tell yourself, 'I am only human, and it is all right to make a mistake.'
How do you stay productive?"

Monday, November 17, 2014

Duplication...How to build big (The Basics of Getting Started Right!)

 I wanted to share with you a system that is easy and helps get your business going! Duplication is where the magic is. If we all do a little work and work together a lot will be done! Here is the list of 5 things everyone needs to be doing and re-doing and sharing how to do...

1. Make a List (100 names and keep adding)
2. Contact the people on that list. (text, call, email, fb, in person)
3. Show the plan (youtube videos, catalog, three day trial-introduce plexus)
4. Follow up.
5. Get them started (customer, ambassador, or referral source)

That's it!
Now of course there are some skills and practice that will get this to work but overall, this is where the duplication can really start kicking in! Watch this video below and see what you think!

Are you ready to get things rocking and rolling in your business? Have a predictable system will make that easier.  Using a system to plug in to will make it easier for you team to know what to do and how to do it! Check out this video and see if it helps! I'd love to know your thoughts!


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Sara Marble's Diamond Documentary

Here is a peak into our lives and the story of what Plexus has done for us!

Success Magazine Article

I love getting my weekly Success achievement emails. Great little tidbits and gems of information and inspiration. Check out this article from today's email!

3 Principles Necessary for Success
by Ron White

I am extremely leery of any quick fix solution for success. In my opinion, they don't exist. With that said, the following formula is one that I have recently shared with two members of my family to encourage them to break through the rut they are in and experience success. Therefore, if I would share it with my family, I must believe in the principles. I suggested that they begin to do these three things on a regular basis:
1. Surround yourself with positive people who believe that this life is not all that there is.Personally, I find this at my local church. I know we don't share the same faith in all cases. But this message is not about my faith. It is about you finding a group of people who regularly meet together and have a belief that there is more to life than what we see. This is the first step to a positive outlook on life.
2. Exercise weekly in order to stimulate endorphins and maintain an energetic life. The exercise of walking to the kitchen or curling 12 ounces does not count as exercise. I run one mile twice a week and two to three days a week do strength training. This is nothing difficult, but it makes a major difference on my attitude.
3. You must educate yourself through reading. The average CEO in America reads four to five books per month. The average American reads one book per year, and 60 percent of us don't get past the first chapter! Make a promise to yourself to read at least one book per month. Read anything. Develop a passion for reading and learning, and you will see your attitude and outlook on life begin to change.
Any person who faithfully invests their time in these three areas may not break world records in levels of success. However, everything in me believes that they would see dramatic improvements.

Building Belief as Leaders

Building belief is essential for creating long term vision and reaching your goals.  Here is a video with my thoughts on this subject! Enjoy!


Personal Growth and Development

It's no secret that I LOVE reading, learning, and growing!  I attribute personal growth and development time in advancing me in my business and just helping me grow as a person. Here is a short list of some of my favorite books and audios that I have found over the last year!

  • Being the Best you can Be in MLM by John Kalench
  • Resolved by Orrin Woodward
  • Flip Flop CEO by Janine Finney
  • Sarah Robbins--Rock your Network Marketing business and The Rock Star Recruiting School CD's
  • The Four Year Career by Richard Brooke
  • Beach Money by Jordan Adler
  • Launching a Leadership Revolution by Orrin Woodward
  • Being the Best you can be in MLM by John Kalench
  • Steven covey's audio 7 habits of highly effective Network Marketers
  • Jim Rohn How to build your network marketing business audio
  • (7L) The Seven Levels of Communication: Go From Relationships to Referrals
     The Bible  
  •  "The Slight Edge" by Jeff Olson
  • Spirt Driven Success by Dani Johnson
  •  Leadership 101 John C. Maxwell
  • My First Year in Network Marketing by Mark Yarnell
  • Crush it by Gary Vaynerchuk
  • Before Happiness by Shawn Anchor
  •  Developing the Leader Within you by John C Maxwell
  • Being the Best you can Be in MLM by John Kalench
  • Developing the Leaders Around you by John C Maxwell
  • 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth by John C Maxwell
  • How to Influence People,John Maxwell
    17 Disputable Laws of Team by John C Maxwell
  • 7 Habits of Highly Effective Network Marketing Professionals by Stephen R. Covey
  •  Falling Forward by John c Maxwell
  • The 5 levels of Leadership by John C Maxwell
  •  Successful Women Think differently by Valori Burton
  •  Shawn Achor's first book The Happiness Advantage...interesting perspective
  •  Networking Times magazine
  •  Success Magazine
  •  Success Mag and Inc
  •  EntreLeadership by Dave Ramesy
  •  THE TOTAL MONEY MAKEOVER by Dave Ramsey!!!!!
  •  Think and Grow Rich them too
  •  Start With Why and Leaders Eat Less by Simon Sinek
  •  Jab, Jab, Jab Right Hook by Gary Vaynerchuck
  • Quitter by Jon Acuff
  • The Legend of the Monk and the Merchant by Terry Felber
  • Rhinoceros Success by Scott Alexander
  • Making the First Circle Work: The Foundation for Duplication in Network Marketing by Randy Gage

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Sample facebook post

Ok, I LOVE it when people that I know and my new FB friends reach out to me and ask how I created an AMAZING CAREER FROM HOME working my Plexus business…...... This is what I hear, "HOW does your business really  work?”or “I’m not a salesperson, don’t think I could do this” or this one,  "I am really BUSY, will I have the time to do this?" "Can I really be successful?"

Well….let me tell you I am actually looking for busy people and YES you can be successful! Never in my wildest dreams did I see myself doing this and now I couldn't be happier!!

So here is the scoop on how it works....

- I USE the products and I get RESULTS (90 pounds lost!)
- I TELL people about the products = THEY get RESULTS
- I help people do the same thing = We ALL make money
- I do this around my family's crazy schedule! Three boys and everything that goes along with that!

- This is seriously the BEST thing I’ve ever done!!

Tell me…what could an extra $300, $600, $1200+ a month do for you and your family?

I DON'T deal with inventory, don't handle money, and don't have party requirements!! I simply SHARE the products and business opportunity and make sure people know that they can be one step closer to being healthier and happier using our products. This is our year to shine! Don’t be the one that misses out on this life changing opportunity!...NOW is the time to join, so you can be the FIRST to share this to your friends and family!

I am looking to expand throughout the U.S. where our products have never even been heard of yet! YOU could be the one to share in a new area! 

Message me to see if YOU are right for this awesome opportunity! 
You can start living the life you’ve dreamed about!

Time Management~ Convention 2014 Presentation

Time Management and Organization….How to build big and stay balanced…
Convention 2011…2nd row observer…awe struck and inspired!
My story…My Why (family and boys) and then reality picture!
I’m learning and growing along the way!

Top Tips:Intro- what is freedom? network marketing offers a unique opportunity to build a life where you make priorities and schedule your life around what is important to you!  If you are a slave to this business it will wear you out fast! Hoping to share some tips and insight with your business more effective!

Tips to manage your time…

1.SET GOALS-this will determine the amount of time you will dedicate to your business
2.Establish priorities…God, Family, Plexus (there are no emergencies in network marketing!)
         Make a Plan…write it down…I use an actual spiral planner. Schedule your hours of operation.
  1. Plan in date night, family night, unplugged time
  2. Write a To Do List…check things off as you get them done.  Start with most important first.
  3. make sure things like exercise are scheduled and included. Your mental and physical health is important.
  4. journal, focus on the positive, write down things you are grateful for to keep you moving forward with a great attitude
3.Plan your Work and Work your Plan
    a. Income producing activities come first (growing your team and getting new customers) (40%)
You need to focus first on activities that will move your business forward.  This is presenting the business opportunity and sharing about our products to build your team and get new customers.  This will also include following up.  What does this NOT look like! This is NOT getting on fb for 2 hours to "network" and then realizing all you did was catch up on the latest group drama and get derailed in gossip.  Facebook can be an awesome and effective tool if used correctly and limited amounts of time...don't let it zap your productivity
    Tips for Daily Activites (income producing)
5-3-1…Share product/opportunity with 5 new people everyday/week…could be email, fb, phone call, running errands and meeting people…expand your network. look for ways to offer what we have to people.  (allison at the gym)  Everyone struggles. People all have needs or questions they already deal with.  If we can listen to people and offer a solution then there is no “selling” or convincing needed.  This is a learned skill. Eric W. book Go Pro helps a lot with this.  Also make sure you practice Act, Review, Adjust.  Are you getting good responses..are people running the other way, are you pushy…evaluate your effectiveness in how you are sharing and learn from those experiences!
Follow up with 3 people everyday/week…follow up is HUGE! Keeping in close contact with the people you share plexus with, will give you an opportunity to grow your customer base and team.  Don’t sell a three day and then never follow up!  It is TRUE! The fortune is in the follow up! Make those calls! Most of the time those people are waiting and wanting to hear from you!  If you already have customers. follow up with them too! they may be ready to take that leap to become an ambassador! (Casey…example of making one call a day and building a business around a crazy life and hectic schedule!)
Call/Support/Teach/Train 1 team member…this will help you offer support and get them started right…helps with duplication…be available for three way calls and to mentor your emerging leaders.

  b.Team Support and Training- (40%)
Building a strong team with leaders below you is key to effective time management and making sure you aren’t responsible for everyone.  If you work closely with the people close to you then you won’t feel like you have to answer everyone!
This includes conference calls, training calls, three way calls, coaching calls

Don’t be a manager…help build leaders under you! Don’t set yourself up to be a Hero! (running around putting our fires and answering every single phone call! ) Create independent people who can think for themselves, are self motivated, and seek out solutions to issues without always running to you! You don’t want to just manage a crowd…you want to lead a team that works together!

Help Plug people in so it is duplicatable! Lead them to where to find answers so they won't have to ask.  Use the resources that are available to us in our websites and conference calls etc

Another example of effective daily activities...

The Perfect 10…share business with 3 people, share the products with 3 people, follow up with 3 people, and attend 1 event

 c. Administrative stuff
Emails, booking events, travel, mailing trials, running errands, etc.  This needs to be no more than 10% of your time and energy and this needs to be the first thing to delegate!  Have a spouse help with running to the post office!  Or maybe hire a friend or even a virtual assistant.  The things that zap you of your time and energy that someone else can do, need to be delegated so you can work where your strengths are an on things that can only be done by you!

d. Personal growth and development! This is critical in my opinion for your business and your life.  Learning, growing, being coached, trained and mentored can help get you to that next level! Make books, CD’s, webinars a must in your time planning! ( I gave up T.V. and have never regretted it!)  

What you focus on and fill your mind with is what will determine your attitude, how you grow, and ultimately how successful you will be in your network marketing business with Plexus!